Former Professional Member
& retired President of

Washington Alliance for
Responsible Midwifery

Professional Member of

Oregon Midwifery Council

Professional Member of

Association of Texas Midwives

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Highland Midwife
Birth Services
South Central Washington
& the Columbia River Gorge

More Information
Pregnancy, Birth, Mothering, Women's Health

Azure Standard; Organic and Non-GMO foods and supplements for healthy living, mostly Oregon-grown. Now carrying Silver Sage products!
Home-Birth Preparation Classes, online course from Happy Homebirth Academy, information geared entirely toward thorough home birth prep.
Hospital-Birth Preparation Tutoring, private sessions online with a highly successful private doula who gives you the REAL info you need!
Vaccine Peer Review 1000, The History Of The Global Vaccination Program In 1000 Peer Reviewed Reports And Studies 1915-2015.
Iodine Sources for your thyroid, and more information about protecting yourself from radiation exposure.
Cleansing After Hormones, tips for eliminating birth control toxins prior to conceiving a baby.
Nutrition in Pregnancy, an excellent informational brochure for expectant parents by student midwife Hollie Moyer.
Herbs in Pregnancy, another great brochure by student midwife Hollie Moyer about both beneficial herbs and those to avoid.
Ultrasound in Pregnancy, a serious examination of the safety of modern ultrasound exposure by Eudine Stevens.
New Mouth offers information about the serious impact of oral health on pregnancy and your baby.
Mothering Magazine, the original and still one of the best resources, "inspiring natural families since 1976".
BirthWorks International; training for childbirth educators, with a Board of Advisors like Ina May Gaskin, Michel Odent, Suzanne Arms, Henci Goer, etc.
Birth Into Being; amazing resources about how birth affects a person for their entire life. Worth close and thoughtful examination!
Birth Without Fear, a blog with tons of info to share, good research articles. Gets right down to reality, and not afraid of the controversial topics!
HypnoBirthing, The Mongan Method - a unique method of relaxed, natural childbirth education, enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques. Avoid drugs and surgery!
Dangers of Crying it Out; an article exposing the many ways that this baseless theory has caused long-term damage to children.
The Circumcision Decision, a well-researched and thoughtful article outlining what every parent should know before facing this issue!
Meridian Valley Lab has excellent and inexpensive food allergy testing. These are the tests we use for our own clients because they are so good!
Drug Watch, a site featuring extensive information about pregnancy safety, drug interactions, and side effects of drugs such as Accutane.
Drug Dangers, committed to providing information on a range of medications and medical devices that have serious complications. Regular news updates.
Organization of Teratology Information Specialists, downloadable Fact Sheets about various drug/chemical/microbial exposures during pregnancy & lactation.
Feingold Association, diet program for ADHD, asthma, many other conditions created or made worse by toxins in foods and the environment.
Non-GMO Shopping Guides, free down-loadable pocket guide and one suitable for laminating. Easy help to keep these dangerous products out of your diet.
Institute for Responsible Technology, "the most comprehensive source of GMO health risk information on the web." Learn how to protect your family!
Eats on Feets facilitates a world-wide network of parents and professionals who have made the informed choice to share or support the sharing of breastmilk.
Birthing, Bonding and Breastfeeding, an excellent perspective on formula companies who dare to insinuate that their product is as good as your own.
Avant-Gardening: Creative Organic Gardening, a wealth of information and links that are valuable for any kind of garden. Great site! (Translator)
Mother Earth News, always full of great how-to information for better natural and practical living.
Vitamin D Society, to educate the public and professionals about Vitamin D Deficiency, its numerous associated diseases, and what optimal levels are.
Dr. Mercola, "The Dark Side of the Routine Newborn Vitamin K Shot". Article mentions several things that parents should consider.
Interview & References, "Why Medical Authorities Went to Such Extremes to Silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield". Some undisclosed long-term effects of vaccines.
More good Mercola, "No-Nonsense Guide to a Naturally Healthy Pregnancy and Baby" by Dr. Joseph Mercola. Some really good helpful tips here.
And more Mercola! "Natural Health Information Articles and Health Newsletter" by Dr. Joseph Mercola. A wealth of well-researched information!
Anderson Family Farm, goat's milk soaps, baby lotions, other hand-crafted items. Excellent safe mother-and-baby products! Located in Ellensburg.
Silver Sage Herbal Tinctures, custom hand-prepared organic herbal remedies, for pregnancy, birth, women, & family health (also colloidal silver, essential oils, pH water drops, birth kits, maternity care charts)
Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony c
Mountain Rose Herbs, one of my sources for excellent organic bulk herbs; order red raspberry leaf & nettle for a very good pregnancy tea!
And just for fun, I put some clothing and bumper stickers online for new moms, nursing, home birth, VBACs, midwifery supporters, and more topics to come.

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Webdesign and content copyright 2009-2013 by Lorri Carr, LM CPM; site maintained by Highland Midwife TM.
Original logo designed by Justin Farnsworth; copyright 2012-2013, all rights reserved for Highland MidwifeTM and the artist.

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keywords: pregnancy, childbirth, child birth, midwifery, midwife, midwives, home birth, homebirth, home-birth, birth at home, ob/gyn, obstetrics, gynecology, lactation, breastfeeding, nursing, baby, fertility, water birth, waterbirth, maternity care, labor and delivery, prenatal, labor, postpartum, fertility, nutrition, hormones, deficiency, deficiencies, women's health care, natural childbirth, natural birth, natural medicine, herbal medicine, doula, birthing, naturopathic, homeopathic, out of hospital, diet analysis